Tuesday, May 3, 2011

26 days and counting!!

Hello Friends and Families!
We are celebrating the last days of school with the famous alphabet countdown! Yesterday was the first day of alphabet countdown and we wore zebra colors and zig-zagged at recess! We had tons of fun with the letter Z and today we are all decked out in our yellow shirts, socks, pants and yellow accessories! We are going to be yodeling at recess so watch out if you're close to Littlewood because you will definitely hear us :-) We are also going to be writing about a yellow, yelling yak and making sure to eat some yummy snacks!
We decided to start this blog so that we can tell you all about the fun things we are doing here at school to celebrate the last days. We are currently working on writing letters to pen pals in Burkina Faso, making new animals to add to the animals around the world and we're having a great time measuring all sorts of things around Mrs. J's classroom! Please feel free to write to us at anytime and on any day! We love to hear from you and we want you to be part of the fun too!
Love from the crazy peeps in Mrs. J's amazing multi-age classroom,
Megan, Connor, José Manuel, Ben, Ellie, Jennifer, Ethan, Matthew, Nate, Jamie, Caroline, Justin, Lucy, Joshua, Gavin, Audrey, Isana, and Makayla


  1. I am so excited to read your blog countdown and share in the fun everyday! Thanks for inviting us!
    Jennifer ~Connor's Mom

  2. We are excited about alphabet countdown!

  3. P.S. We could play the xylophone in music. We could also look at picture's of x-rays.I ran out of ideas. Bye-Bye!


  4. I Love Alphabet Countdown! Maybe on G day we can wear our green Littlewood T-shirts.

    Happy X day,

  5. What fun learning about what you are all doing everyday. Sounds like so much fun. Do they have to wear school uniforms during alphabet countdown

  6. Hello Alphabet Countdown kiddos! It sounds like you're having a blast counting down the days and letters! Here are some alphabet riddles, so put on your thinking caps and have a great Monday!
    Julie (Gavin's Mom)

    What letter of the alphabet is an insect?
    B. (bee)

    What letter is a part of the head?
    I. (eye)

    What letter is a drink?
    T. (tea)

    What letter is a body of water?
    C. (sea)

    What letter is a vegetable?
    P. (pea)
