Thursday, May 19, 2011

M Day Magic brings Mrs. J's peeps MUFFINS!

Hello Everybody!!
Happy M Day! We hope you have had a great M day so far! We have had a MARVELOUS M day today! We started our day off with our famous morning meeting! We sang our famous songs, we fixed our famous calendar and we read our famous message! After morning meeting, we went to Art! We picked two pieces of Art to put in the Big Art Show next Thursday here at Littlewood. We put the rest of our art work in our folder and then we decorated our folders and made paper. Art was really MARVELOUS, MAGICAL, AND MAGNIFICENT today!

After Art, we came back to Mrs. J's room for Math. Some friends left to go to Mrs. Coleman's room for Math while the rest of the friends stayed in Mrs. J's room. In Mrs. J's room today we had to help her solve a MEGA MATH Problem. Mrs. J's problem was to help her separate 24 muffins into two equal groups so that her two silly puppies don't get into a fight. Everybody did a great job and found out that the answer was each pup gets 12 muffins and there was no fighting between the puppies! Now Mr. J didn't get any muffins so he wasn't so happy but at least the puppies were happy :-)

After Math, we went to lunch!! Hip, Hip, Hooray for Lunch! After lunch, we came back for reading centers. Today in activity, we followed Mrs. J's silly M day directions. For Science, we got to play quiz, quiz, trade! We love quiz, quiz, trade! For writing, we wrote letters to our friends around Littlewood. Mrs. J even wrote a love letter to Mr. J!! For library center today, we read, read, and read some more! It was really fun in centers today!! Some of the friends that go to Mrs. J's table for reading group even got to go on Ticket to Read. Those were some happy little peeps and Gavin says that he even bought the lava lamp! (whole class is laughing!)

We just got back from recess and we are now writing our MAGICAL, MARVELOUS, MAGNIFICENT AND MUFFIN-RIFIC blog to you! We hope you continue to have a MAGICAL AND MARVELOUS M day! And a Happy L Day Eve to all and to all a good night!

Love the very, very, very MUFFIN-RIFIC, MIRACULOUS, MONKEY-TASTIC peeps,
Gavin, Caroline, Isana, Audrey, Jamie, Justin, Makayla, and Jennifer

the MARVELOUS AND MAGNIFICENT Mrs J, her MARVELOUS sidekick Mrs. Butler and her really, really, MAGICAL MOM!

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