Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Wild, Wonderful, and Wacky W day tales!

Hello Everybody!
Happy W Day to you! We have had a Wonderful W day today! We started our Wonderful W day off with our famous Morning Meeting. During Morning Meeting, we sing songs, we put the calendar pieces together, we read the morning message and we countdown to the last days of school with tens blocks. After Morning Meeting, we had some fun doing Animal Cards!! WE LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Animal Cards!!! Today we went to the Canadian Rockies for our new habitat. We learned about an animal named the Big Horned Sheep. Did you know that the male big horned sheep have horns that curl and weigh 30 pounds?!! We figured out that it would be like attaching Gavin to Mrs. J's forehead- CRAZY!! We finished up Animal Cards and headed out to our next favorite place, the Art Classroom! Today in Art, we put some animals in the tall, tall grass. We came back to the classroom after Art and worked on Math. We did something really cool in Math today. Mrs. J tried to trick us with her following directions game but we were too smart for that! We got everything right and we even did the bonus where we had to measure 6 things, draw a picture of them and label them. We got a jellybean for our prize!
Lunchtime finally came and we LOVE lunch! After lunch we came back to the classroom for centers! In centers today we had lots of fun. For writing center, we wrote letters to our friends our Littlewood. We hope to stay the Littlewood Letter Writing Champions! In activity today, we made cards for the wonderful Mom's in our lives. WE LOVE OUR MOMS SO MUCH! In library, we read books, more books, and more books! In science, we played a super fun game called Quiz, Quiz, Trade where we quiz our friends on things we have learned so far about habitats. We love playing Quiz, Quiz, Trade!
After centers comes our second favorite time of the day, P.E.2! We got to eat lots and lots of watermelon! We ran around the playground, climbed on the monkey bars and some of our friends even tried to camouflage in the sand!
We are going to finish up our day today by writing our blog to you, readers. We had a great day today and can't wait until V day tomorrow- Mrs. J even said she's going to bring her violin to play for us! WOW, Mrs. J- you better practice tonight!!
Love the wild, wacky peeps who wrote you this post,
Connor, Ellie, Megan, José Manuel, Ben, Jennifer, Jamie, Joshua, Lucy, Makayla, Nate, Audrey, Justin, Gavin, Isana, Matthew, Caroline, Ethan and your silly Mrs. J


  1. Dear Mrs. J,
    We went swimming today after school. We had fun. I like you.

  2. Wow -- you are a wonderful group of bloggers! And so Very busy! We love hearing about your alphabet days. Love, Nate's mom
