Hi Everybody!
Today is T Day and guess what?? It's T day on Tuesday (says Connor)! We had a TERRIFIC T day! You want to know what we did today? Well, we're going to tell you anyway! We started the day off with our famous Morning Meeting. We sang our famous songs, we fixed our calendar and we counted another ones block and found out that today is the 160th day of school! So, we deleted all our ones blocks and added another tens block to the pack. It was pretty terrific! After Morning Meeting, we went to P.E. where we played a game called, Giant's Cave (says the class so loud that Mrs. J hurt her ears!) Gavin and Isana were the giants and the rest of the class were running around the field with flags on their waists for Gavin and Isana to catch them. It was really terrific! After P.E., we came back to the classroom all hot and sweaty and it was terrific!! We did Math after P.E. In Mrs. J's class, we did a really neat Math Journal question (Connor says it was trivial but Mrs. J thinks it was significant) where the friends had to find things in the classroom that had more than 4 vertices and 4 sides and they also got to do some bonus questions! They were hard but they were also TERRIFIC! The friends who completed the whole challenge got two skittles for all their hard work- it was TERRIFIC!
Finally, it was time for lunch! We all had a TERRIFIC lunch! After lunch, we had centers and it was TERRIFIC! For Activity, we wrote about a person we admire the most and Mrs. J got a lot of admirations(says Connor) from her PEEPS! She felt very happy and TERRIFIC (says her peeps)!! In Science, we made a new flip-book for the newest habitat we are learning about. Our flip-book is about the Serengeti and it is TERRIFIC! Once centers were over, we had P.E.2 also known as the TERRIFIC recess (again says Connor)! Now we are finally relaxing in the classroom writing this blog to you. It feels TERRIFIC to be writing to you and the temperature in the classroom feels really TERRIFIC after a hot day on the playground!
Well, that's about all the TERRIFIC writing we have for you today and we hope you have also had a TERRIFIC, TALENTED, AND TREMENDOUS T day Tuesday!
Love the TERRIFIC and TANGY Tweets,
Gavin, Isana, Audrey, Makayla, Ethan, Caroline, Nate, Matthew, Jamie, Lucy, Justin, Joshua, Connor, Ellie, José Manuel, Jennifer, Megan, and Ben
Plus the TERRIFIC, TALENTED and NOT TANGY teachers,
Mrs. J and her really really, TERRIFIC side-kick Mrs. Butler
Hey Friends,I love the snapping turtle picture.The claws really look terrifying.Ellie