Monday, May 9, 2011

The Unselfish, Understanding, United States of America color wearing Peeps!

Hello Everybody on the Blog!
Welcome back to our blog for U day! Today we had an awesome day! We started the day out with our famous Morning Meeting. We sang our favorite songs and we filled in the dates on the calendar. We also read the morning message and we added another ones block to our counting the days we have been in school. Can you believe that we've been in school for 159 days??? That's CCCCCCCRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZYYYYYY!
We were supposed to go to the library for our special today but the teacher was absent so we went to the computer lab instead. We played on Ticket To Read and it is a really fun game (says Connor). We were also lucky enough to watch some more of our Jeff Corwin movie. He is such a funny guy! We got to see a wallaby today and a blue-tongued skink! Did you know that the blue-tongued skink can make itself flat as part of its adaptation and camouflage?
After computer lab, we came back to the classroom for Math. The friends in Mrs. J's class did a really neat Math Journal question. They had to find things in the classroom that were cubes, cylinders, rectangular prisms, spheres and the bonus was having to find cones and pyramids! It was pretty tough but one friend managed to find them all and was rewarded the first new skittle- way to go, Gavin! Following Math, we went to lunch where we devoured our food!
Next came centers! For centers today, we wrote about how wonderful we were to our mothers on Mother's Day and for Science, we finished up all our unfinished work. For activity, we finished working on our Spider Maps. A spider map helps make our writing more organized and easier to make sentences. It makes it neater too (says Nate).
We just finished up a lovely time on the .....("Justin Byrd come to the office please"... says the office)... now back to what we were talking about!!! We had fun on the playground and now we are busy writing our blog to you. Thank you to all the wonderful peeps who have been leaving comments for us- WE LOVE COMMENTS!!

Have a understanding, unselfish and unbelievably awesome rest of your U day!
Love the peeps and peep-etts in Mrs. J's unboring (Connor says) class,
Connor, Ellie, Megan, José Manuel, Ben, Lucy, Joshua, Nate, Ethan, Matthew, Jamie, Caroline, Gavin, Isana, and Makayla

Plus the lovely Mrs. J and her amazing sidekick Mrs. Butler

1 comment:

  1. dear mrs.j i went into my swiming pool today.
    i got to swiming lesens late today
    love nate
