Friday, May 20, 2011

A Letter from the LAUGHABLE, LOVABLE, LIVELY, AND LIKABLE peeps in Mrs. J's room!

Hello Everybody!
Happy L Day to you! We have had a great L day today! We started our day off with our famous morning meeting. We sang our famous songs, we fixed our famous calendar, and we read our famous morning message! We also got to read two Tumblebooks this morning!! We got to read "The Lima Bean Monster" and "Little Pea." They were great books (says Connor and Joshua). After we watched our Tumblebooks, we went to the library with some of Mrs. Jones and Johnson's friends because all the multi-age second graders went to Camp Crystal... Connor stayed with Mrs. J's class because Mrs. J said she would miss him TOO MUCH if he left her today!!

After library, we came back to Mrs. J's room for Math. Today we played "The Great Dice Challenge" game! We got to play a challenge round and then the Super Bowl and Mr. Joshua Brogan won the whole game! Way to go, Joshua! After Math, we went to lunch! Lunch was extra good today because it was pizza day! Everybody loves pizza!

After lunch, we came back to Mrs. J's room for centers. For Activity today, we got to play on Ticket to Read or Earobics! For Science, we finished up the work in our journals and the friends who already had all their work finished got to have a FREE center! Caroline, Isana, and Jamie all loved their FREE center today! For writing today, we wrote about our shares. We wrote about our shares on spider maps. Mrs. J really loves spider maps because it makes our writing neat, organized and fun (says Connor).

We finished up centers and then got ready for recess. We had a LOVELY snack today of graham crackers! We LOVE graham crackers! We are now writing this blog to you and we hope you have had as LOVELY and LIVELY a day as we have! And a Happy K Day Eve, Eve, Eve to all and to all a good night ;-)

Love the really LOVABLE peeps in Mrs. J's LIVELY classroom,
Gavin, Connor, Joshua, Caroline, Jamie, Makayla, Audrey, Nate, Justin, Isana, and Matthew

Plus the LOVELY Mrs. J and her very LOVELY sidekick and her even more LOVELY mom, Mrs. Shannon

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