Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fruit and Fries for my fabulous and funny friendly friends!!

Hello Everybody!!
Mrs. J is back and ready for action(says Gavin)! Her horrible, awful, no good very bad headache is GONE!!! Hooray for Mrs. J!!! Today is the lovely F day and we have had a FABULOUS F day! We started our day off a little different because Mrs. J had to take a test this morning. We all got scared because we didn't think she was here, but alas, she showed up and saved the day... again (says Connor)! After Mrs. J showed up, we started with our famous morning meeting. We sang our famous songs, we fixed our famous calendar and we read our famous morning message! It was FUN and FABULOUS! After morning meeting, we did Animal Cards. We finished up our trip to the Bangladesh Mangrove Forest. We learned about the King Cobra and the peafowl. Did you know that a male peafowl is called a peacock and the female peafowl is called a peahen? Way cool! Now, we are traveling to the Pennsylvania Forest. We like it there(says Connor). Hopefully tomorrow's we'll have more time to spend in the forest!

After animal cards, we went to the computer lab for our special. We were able to do any website we know about, like Ticket to Read, VMath Live, Tumblebooks, BrainPop, FunBrain, Poptropica and many others. It was FUN and FABULOUS! After the computer lab, we came back to Mrs. J's room for math. Some friends headed out to go to math with Mrs. Coleman while other friends stayed to do work stations in Mrs. J's room. For our math journal today, the friends had to help Mrs. J from her pups getting into a fight over goldfish! Mrs. J had 50 goldfish and had to split the goldfish into 2 equal groups so that each pup got an equal amount and they wouldn't fight! It was FANTASTIC and FUN! Following math, we got our lunches and headed to the café! It was YUMMY!

After lunch, we came back to the classroom for reading centers. We did something new in reading centers today. We did a matching game on the SmartBoard with synonyms and antonyms. It was really FUN and FANTASTICAL! Some of our second graders got to go on a tour of the third grade classrooms. Then the second graders and third graders got to go to the fourth grade classrooms together. They had a great time and were also able to talk to the third graders to find out about how awesome third grade is going to be next year!

We also got a great treat today from Isana's mom! She brought in lots of yummy fruit and french fries for F day. It was FANTASTIC and really FABULOUSLY FUN! After our fruit snack, we headed outside for some fun at P.E.2. We just came back into the classroom and boy does the air conditioning feel good! We did have lots of fun outside but we are glad to be back in the classroom now writing this blog to you!!

We hope you have a great rest of your F day and happy E day eve to all and to all a good night!!

Love the FUN, FUNNY, and FABULOUS friends in Mrs. J's classroom,
Connor, Ellie, Megan, Ben, José Manuel, Jennifer, Ethan, Caroline, Matthew, Nate, Jamie, Justin, Joshua, Lucy, Isana, Gavin, Makayla, and Audrey

Plus the FUNNY, FABULOUS, and FANTASTIC teachers,
Mrs. J and Mrs. Butler

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